Monday 20 February 2012

How to Install SUSE Linux

STEP 1 : Juzt-Reboot Suse Linux Backup Installation 
- Install Juzt-Reboot using "Advanced Install"

- Partition your hard drive from the Juzt-Reboot FDISK menu.

 Partition:Attribute:Name:Size:File System: 
 1.[B or C][SUSE][6000][Linux] 
 2.[P][SUSE][1000][Linux S/W] 

[B] - Backup Restoration Boot Partition
[C] - No Restoration Boot Partition
[P] - Private Data Partition (Named the same as the boot partition)

Note: Partition sizes can be set to whatever required.

- When FDISK install operation is completed press [ESC Key] to save & exit.

- System will now reboot and the Juzt-Reboot multi boot menu will appear, place Linux disk in CDROM drive and select boot partition from menu by pressing [Enter Key] to begin install.

STEP 2: Begin Linux Suse Install > Press Enter to “boot”.

 STEP 3: Select “Manual Installation”.

STEP 4: Start loading Linux Kernel.

STEP 5: Select Language > English is the default.

STEP 6: Setup Keyboard > U.S. English is the default.

STEP 7: Install > Select Start installation.

STEP 8: Select > Start installation Update.


STEP 9: Select CD-ROM.

STEP 10: Select Language.

STEP 11: Finding Device > To load the driver [OK] or [Cancel] to continue.

STEP 12: Installation Settings. There are two settings that must be changed.

STEP 12: Installation Settings. There are two settings that must be changed.

STEP 13: Click “Change” and select “Partitioning”.

STEP 14: Choose the third option “Create custom partition setup”.

STEP 15: Choose Custom partitioning for experts.

STEP 16: Choose /dev/hda1 linux native and Click Edit

STEP 17: Partitioning screen displays. Setup /dev/hda1 File system to ext3” and Mount Point to “/” Setup /dev/hda2 File system to“swap” Click OK and Next to continue.

STEP 18: Back to Installation Settings and select Booting > Boot Loader Setup. Boot Loader Type: You can select either GRUB or LILO. Here we choose LILO.

STEP 19: Warning message appears after changing the settings. Choose “Propose New Configuration”.

STEP 20: Boot Loader Setup > Select Boot Loader Location and click Edit. Choose Boot Sector of Boot Partition /dev/hda1.

  STEP 21: Click Finish after Setup.

STEP 22: Back to Installation Setup and select “Accept”. Warning message appears, Select “Yes, install”.

STEP 23: Start Installing. Wait for the installation.

STEP 24: First entry after installation will show some device finding screen, to install press Continue, or press Skip to exit.

STEP 25: Setup Root password. Suggest 6 or more characters for password.

STEP 26: Network Configuration. Setup by users.

STEP 27: Add a new local User and press Next to start loading settings. Wait till the boot menu displays.

STEP 25: Setup Root password. Suggest 6 or more characters for password.

SUSE root password

STEP 26: Network Configuration. Setup by users.

Network configuration SUSE Linux

SUSE Authentication

STEP 27: Add a new local User and press Next to start loading settings. Wait till the boot menu displays.

Add SUSE local user

Writing SUSE System Configuration

SUSE Release Notes

SUSE Hardware Configuration

YAST SUSE Install Completed


STEP 28: Booting SuSE Linux successfully. Done.


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